The Three Legged Table
Every aspect of a small business can be grouped into 3 main “legs”: Operations, Sales/Marketing & Financial. Like any strong, sturdy table each leg is of equal importance and needs to function well.
It’s extremely rare to find a business owner that is strong in all three areas. Usually, we are very strong in one area but weak in others. It is crucial that a business owner understands the importance of this concept and recognize their area of strength, and then “press in” or hire to those areas of weakness.
We like to surround ourselves with people of like minds and talents, but when running a business this may hinder the success of the business. Also, many very capable small business owners make the mistake of thinking that they must do it all – as no one else will do it as well as they can. Many times those who are less capable end up being more successful as they quickly recognize and address their weaknesses.
The sooner we learn this and address it – the quicker we are to realizing our dream of owning and operating a successful, profitable business!